Who really gives a sh.crap?

Here I am again, waiting for YouTube to upload a short memorial to my wife. In truth it is me feeling sorry for myself, just like every other drip dried ass out there. Sure, I know a lot of stuff (supposedly true!?!); {that says it all for why I am avoiding people in real life} they either think that they know all they need to know, or they are tangled in the traditional lies that were even foretold. THE MEANING OF LIFE!?! Oh they ask, they struggle, but if you tell them one truth, it hides another; yet if you tell the real truth it destroys what little faith they have. It is better to tell them if they eat they will eventually have to take a crap.
Vanity of vanities; it is like trying to have sex and not have a hard on,,,,of if a woman not being turned on enough to lubricate their canal.
Yet they go to a church at least once a week if not two and anything that I know would be a spiritual rape to try to explain. That is why I remain where I am to remain. They want what is freely given, yet they attach themselves to the very ones that it is written about: woe unto the pastors/shepherds; for they loosen what should be bound and bind up that which should be loosened. Yet, I, EVEN I know that it is not the flock I am sent to help, BUT the shepherds that are teaching doctrines of men and traditions of those before them. My anguish is not that I am to help/teach a Shepherd……but to put a stop to their unholy lies, even if they drop dead when I speak. They are speaking lies concerning the TRUTH, which in turn is a lie toward the SPIRIT. I TOO MUST BE CAREFUL!
It is time for me to not speak, to learn to control the anger within, for even though my anger is HIS anger, my anger can do more damage than good. I would rather to cease breathing. I fear my own words which are TRUTH.
With all this being said and returning to the very title of this particular blog, even sh.crap has worth; as a fertilizer. If one was to go to the dirt end of a sewage facility they would find dirt that is has more purity that that our own fathers could imagine. When I was in my teens less than 40 years ago I could dig almost anywhere and find earthworms to fish with; this is no longer true. Even seed of whatever a farmer wants to plant has to be artificially nurtured to grow; even to the point of having to plant the same field many times before the seed takes hold and gives them some kind of profit.
Now my body is in much pain and I have to divert my attention from this work to my body, for even with knowledge there is no gain if I do not use the gift of common sense.

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Trying to FINGER this blogging site out!

Man, it just can’t be done right now; I have other fish to fry. I am just posting to be posting for later observation. So hang on, take the ride with me, and know my finger do stutter.

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After trying (success?) to work my insurance companies website (which caters to them & not their customers) I got sort of mad; being treated as an idiot by a conglomerate of lizards that spend our money to gather other potential (rape) victims into its (their) lair.

Now to make it more clear to my fellow idiots you must take it into account that we are to live by spirit and truth; not by a lie that has been generated into a cartoon that pleases a child more than it does to an intelligent  adult HUMAN.

Please, PLEASE tell me there are people that watch this crap with at least a little disdain!

This is the same mentality that elders in a church body convince the next important thing on the church agenda is to grab the coffer(s) so that they (they being the chosen few who are worthy to make the tough decisions) can rob (rape, pillage) the people they are supposedly to oversee with wisdom and mercy, and take what precious toilet paper money away and then spend it on a steeple for the church! “I’ll tell you little secret” You got to have compassion and respect those elders, cause in truth although they have been coming to that same church almost all their lives they have sunken below we stupid people and have become IDIOTS and need that steeple so they can see it from a distance and know where to go. Bless their hearts. You heard me damn it, I said “BLESS THEIR HEART!”. Now quit reading this and take a moment and “BLESS THEIR HEART!” If you don’t you might become an imbecile.

OK, OK…to my beef. Rather than me telling it all here I will share the survey the asked if I would participate. Well I had nothing to do, I already spent my afternoon with their web site so why not, I didn’t need to go to the toilet or anything. SO, I figured their CRAP was just as entertaining as they site was. So here is where I quite jabbering my stuff and let you catch my drift in the survey. I wish I would have dragged and pasted from the start of the survey but I didn’t know I was going to rattle a gage and see if they were paying attention. Yep all I got was the automated reply they have programmed their computer to say. You got to remember mercy now, these people they are unable to speak the truth because another group of higher inelegance is above them. Now these people are so high up that if you stood on your tip toes your nose couldn’t get close enough to their butt hole so you could enjoy the sweet fragrance in the case their sphincter allowed little air out. ALL right, all right, I’ll shut up and paste what the survey and I shared. Unless this blog thingy also is a lizard and can’t take all this info at a time in that case look for part 2. Big John


GEICO does not give enough reasons for a vehicle that is not driven. I simply keep one tagged & insured for AL legal requirements. Sometimes a vehicle is only a back-up when the primary vehicle is being serviced, repaired, etc. For instance one of my vehicles has had insurance & tags so that it can be parked outside my shop. It has not been driven since a month after it was bought due to engine failure. It takes more than a buck two ninety eight to repair a vehicle; so you simply have to lay it to the side until your golden goose craps the golden egg. As you can tell I am aggravated with GEICO @ the moment and am considering changing my insurance company so that I am able to talk to flesh and blood. I doubt if this is even read. I do not have time to call & figure it out. As a matter of fact I have just made the decision to go to my mortgage insurance provider (State Farm) to take care of all my needs. GEICO has served me well when I needed them the one time in our business relationship. I have owned trucking, and other companies in the past and the damned paper work was easier to deal with that this electronic crap. The only ease of use GEICO truly proved me is that I do not have to remember to write a check, I only have to make adjustments in my budget for the sake of all my personal & business needs. A human & not a lizard will come to my home, I need to have my home insurance updated any way due to the rise in value of my home, my shop, etc. Thank you for helping me realize that consolidation is the simplest way to go, State Farm did an excellent rescue a few years back when whatever hurricane it was did over $7000.00 damage. Rev. Dr. John S. Coleman A.K.A My acct number removed. You shall be hearing from me as soon as I have made other arrangement, you LIZARD. Think about it.


Their Question:  To better assist you and future customers, please let us know what information wasn’t available.

My Answer:

Why should I bother, you are in it for the money. I am over educated and just love KRAFT mayo on my bologna, because I can count on its perfection. However, I have also changed from a guaranteed taste to much cheaper & as worthy product, but a lot cheaper. That means that I can by more toilet paper by the bulk, TA DA! You have lost your flavor, which is what you get when you decide to entertain me with an animated/automated slice of my time (did you know that they now have machines that I can click 3 times and get to what I really want to see?).


How do you plan to find the information that you are looking for?




Look for the answer on geico.com


Look for the answer on another website


E-mail a GEICO agent


Ask a friend


None of the above, I’m not worried about the answer




MY answer:

Being that you are a (LIZARD) machine and don’t know that this is a holiday 3 day weekend; I will simply leave a voice msg. & will be contacted on the date & time that I specify.


How can we improve the area of geico.com that you visited today?


What’s the point, LIZARD does not take into consideration that some people (yeah, that is what we are) are disabled or our passenger is disabled. That the vehicle that the LIZARD wants info on only gives you the choice that it’s limited mind can offer. I have never seen a LIZARD drive anything from a skate to a 40 ton tractor trailer. A LIZARD has no understanding that sometimes a vehicle is strictly used for transportation of a person who depends on said vehicle because it is was bought for that purpose (not to commute, no school, no work or everything else your LIZARD provided in its auto-bot questionnaire buttons to click). You know I was just checking within my past experiences and I don’t believe I have ever seen a LIZARD in a wheel chair let alone drive a mortised vehicle. I also assume that a vehicle is driven in a certain cycle of time, I.E. day a week, there was no button that offered (ONLY WHEN WE HAVE AN APPOINTMENT). Also it poor little mind is limited to 1 mile increments, if I was not disable and also able to carry my 120 lbs. of paper work back and forth, I would walk the 3 blocks from my home to my business, also some days I don’t even bother opening up. I have the authority and power to choose when I want my doors open. But, alas the poor little LIZARD is not able to think, it speaks  what a bunch of over educate idiots think the public will buy. You are only a convenience. But, today I got my belly full of being treated as an ignorant child that needs a LIZARD to help me make a decision, I want to thank GEICO for fit ease of payment, its one time repair of a vehicle that was wrecked in an accident that was the fault of another, yet failed to fight for my buck 2 ninety eight because is saved money so the LIZARD could buy him some KRAFT mayo.


How could we improve your experience?

Buy choices that would allow a person to give an honest answer instead of the closest choice. Close is only good in grenades & horse shoes. You know, I bet that any one that works within the corporate offices even realize that when 2 semis, one going one way and the other the other direction has ever thought that those two drivers when they pass each other on a two lane non-upgraded to the legal US standards have come 18” close to death when they pass. Oh, I am so sorry I forgot a LIZARD does not think.


Now that is the end of that except for one thing. I took the time to mail that document to myself so you intelligent bastards out there will have no reason to call any of these words yours. I told up front it is TRUTH & SPIRIT. so it is for you to figure what those two words mean. Now for some of you that have been robbed and don’t know some of the words at the beginning of the document means what follows next is a little English lessen Remember “WORD”.



·          made up of separate parts or substances collected together into a single mass

·          a large corporation formed by the merger or acquisition of a number of companies in unrelated, widely diversified industries      Big John took the liberty to underline that one WORD, a lie.


Cooperation or co-operation: 

·         the act of cooperating; joint effort or operation    Yeah. Right and for whose  benefit

·         the association of a number of people in an enterprise for Mutual benefits or profits    There we go again (lie), is that why the average guy puts a steeple on his house. Come on don’t piss on my foot and tell me it is rain.

·         an interaction between organisms that is largely beneficial to all those participating:  I KNOW, I KNOW there he goes underling carp again, but your wrong; at least crap can be of use as a good fertilizer, does that mean they are less than crap?….well something stinks and I just took a bath/

·         cooperation

 [Mutual assistance]

collaboration, participation, combination, concert, joint effort, teamwork, union, concurrence, confederacy, confederation, conspiracy, alliance, partnership, coalition, fusion, pooling of resources, federation, partisanship, bipartisanship, unanimity, concord, harmony, solidarity

Now I could not add all that was given on that because I am so stupid I got to be careful and keep from plagiarism from a language book that I happen to speak. Think on this one now, when we speak English can the locked up us because we used a word that belongs to them because it is in their book. Maybe we as English and all the other languages should make a cooperate decision and make a class action lawsuit against them for taking our words and making them theirs….Wait a minute, I just heard some say, “It depends on what the meaning of is…IS.” When you really think on that statement it says way more that to little letters. 




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What is new on Pat.

Been on and off the phone with Pat’s doctors since yesterday, having to give taped permission for this procedure or that one. Early yesterday they had to induce her into a coma due to her fighting them as they tried to do this and that. They main one being they needed to drain fluid out of her left lung & she wouldn’t let them. They have had her tied down since she was transferred to ICU because she was pulling loose whatever they connected to her.

This morning they let me know her left lung was trying to collapse and was semi-full of fluids. They needed permission to stick a needle through her ribs to drain it. They called a bit ago with that done and needed permission to give her a couple units of blood. I gave that OK but told them to please pile as many blankets on her as possible because even though she may not know what is going on that I want to be sure she was kept warm She usually has been awake for transfusions and it causes her to freeze and I want her to be comfortable as possible.

I reckon that all I got to say for now, John.

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Hello world!

Well Live Spaces will soon die, so I have upgrade to the WordPress.com site. If this crap don’t work out I will delete it. Of course as of now I do not think any one reads my post; I may stop blogging all together. We’ll see!!

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Look for my blogs @ blogspot.com

With all the aggravation of losing all my blogs from the past 3 to 5 years on Lycos & Angelfire I have been trying to find what I had saved to my documents. With that being said I want ya’ll to know that I am using blogspot blogger now also. Hopefully they will keep it free. What ticks me off even more is that I have been paying Windows Live for my baddhabbitt account for years and they castrated me as well. So here is the link to my new blogger fishing hole. When you click it, it may take you to a page that says it doesn’t exist, but it will have another link (mine) on that page. When you click it, then it take you to a page warning that its content may not be suitable for some users, I ain’t got nothing there for ya to worry about so click. And I would appreciate the licks to your blogs, I like keeping up with ya. I will be signing up with TWITTER in the near future, now that I know my big brother has an account for his music business. Later guys and gals……and the rest of you.  Big John
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Dumb Me, I forgot to order the Bubble Gum/Candy while I wassa buying@

Gumball Machines, Vending Machines & Bulk Candy at Gumballs.com! The Internet’s #1 bulk vending wholesale store for gum balls, gumball machines, bulk candy machines, toy capsules, change machines, snack/soda machines & vending supplies.
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Bought me a BubbleGum Machine for the store today.

Gumball Machines, Vending Machines & Bulk Candy at Gumballs.com! The Internet’s #1 bulk vending wholesale store for gum balls, gumball machines, bulk candy machines, toy capsules, change machines, snack/soda machines & vending supplies.
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Cody has to be in surgery Saturday morning.

My grand yungins break ain’t healing right even with the pins, so they are going to cut open his wrist again. Maybe they’ll get it right this time. I changed the video on spaces again. ET sure got frustrated when she tried to lip sync ghost busters, we laugh every time we watch it.
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Videos from the past & present

Just thought I’d let ya’ll know of my YouTube channel, mostly funny, some just plain dumb. http://www.youtube.com/user/baddhabbitt?feature=mhw5
I got a character named Mr. McDuffy I think you’ll get kick out of.
Ya’ll vote on my stuff please.
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